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    15? 20? How BIG was that FISH?

    Gary Quiel has been a long-time “captain” of our annual CSA fishing trips, and handed the baton to Neil Tibbs a few years ago. Well, this year, due to a family emergency, Neil handed the reins back to Gary, who gladly took the wheel. Yes, we mixed a whole bunch of metaphors, but this is a fish story, so it’s okay!

    Gary tells us,

    “I was fortunate enough to fill in our charter master Neil Tibbs for this trip. As before no trips are ever the same this trip was no exception. Everyone arrived on-time we left the dock with thirty people on board. I was told at first by the captain that we were staying coastal however we found ourselves a bit south and about 25 miles offshore searching for kelp patties with Dorado swimming near them. As we were also trolling with four poles off the back we would stop at the patties and fly-line (no weight) with live bait for the Dorado. When we did this, we occasionally would see the boil and jumping of the Dorado on top off the water. When we fly-lined, the boat is not anchored and it drifts, therefore we would all need to be on one side off the boat letting the current take our bait straight out. Since we were not able to control where our bait is going to swim, there were some tangles (but not too bad!).

    After several stops, we totaled with seven decent-sized Dorado on board.  A few were lost in the fight–  these fish don’t give up easy! On the way in, we were entertained by a whale sighting and several large pods of dolphins jumping high out of the water.

    The winner (from those that entered the jackpot) was Rick Dureault with Encore Image Inc.  I understand this trip was a retirement present to Rick from Encore. On another note, this is Encore’s third year in a row winning the Jackpot. I think we have a challenge for next year.

    We arrived back at the dock about 7 PM.  Hats off to the captain and deckhands, they were awesome as usual and it appears everyone had a great time and we didn’t run out of beer. Thank You all for supporting CSA and hope we can do it again next year!!

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