
Sign Product OEM, Seller | Over $10M | Semi-Annual

$2,000.00 every 6 months


Sign Product OEM, Distributor, Wholesaler | Over $10M
Wholesale Manufacturer: Design, manufacture and/or production of signs solely on a wholesale basis to the sign industry.
Wholesale Distributor: Warehousing, sale or distribution of a range of products to the sign industry.
Product Manufacturer: Manufacturing a material or product used in the design, manufacture, production and/or installation of signs.
Product Manufacturer’s Representative: Any individual, partnership, limited liability company or corporation representing one or more product manufacturers and whose interest is in promoting the sale of products made by those manufacturers to the sign industry. Annual Dues Rate for one such member is based on the volume of gross sales to the sign industry in California per annum. Based on annual gross sales of Over $10M, dues = $4000, less 5% discount for annual payments.

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