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    Inside Look: Sign Manufacturing Day 2017

    Cabrillo and Lakewood High Schools Explore Sign Manufacturing

    Sign Manufacturing Day brought together the experts at Superior Electric Advertising with the curious minds of high school students from Cabrillo and Lakewood High Schools. Two tours of 25 students each were crafted to give students a close up view of the complete sign operation. Hosted on October 5th, this was Superior Electrical Advertising’s first time participating in ISA’s (International Sign Association) annual Sign Manufacturing Day and the team at Superior really loved it. Following the first tour, four students asked for a job! Of course they had some really fun stuff on the production floor along with many brand names they recognized, giving them a true sense of the impact of this industry. 

    According to a press kit provided by the National Association of Manufactures, “. . . Manufacturing Day is a coordinated occasion during which U.S. manufactures open their doors to demonstrate the potential of modern manufacturing and foster interest in manufacturing careers.”

    Stan Janocha, CEO of Superior Electric Advertising, Inc., explains some of the finer points of commercial sign production to a group of students from Cabrillo High Schools Engineering and Design Program.

    The tours started in the conference room with images of local (fun) signs on the monitor, not the everyday projects but instead, some Disney, some specialty sites, and several well-known Long Beach sites (which most students knew and had observed them being developed on their home turf). That was particularly enjoyable and engaged the students. Next, safety glasses were passed out to all – and away they went into the shop. Each department head spoke about their group and the equipment (design, CAD, routing, forming, metal, paint, etc.). The event took students through various elements of commercial sign production from design to fabrication and finishing, and finally distribution, highlighting the application of the technical skills they’re learning today in a practical setting.

    These tours generated lots of enthusiasm and questions, and revealed to those of us in the sign industry just how this business looks with fresh eyes. It reminded us that what we “get to see” in our business is truly special – and often fun! The experience for everyone – experts and students – was impressive, and to share an inside look was priceless.

    Superior Electrical Advertising estimates at least 50 students walked out with a new awareness and each will never look at signs the same again! Superior Electric, a fixture in Long Beach’s manufacturing community for 55 years, is located at 1700 W. Anaheim St. on the city’s Westside.

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